Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Big & Small, Red & Blue

Fonts, fonts, fonts.

The "font" tag is a handy one I learned a few years ago to make simple formatting changes to make your text look boffo! by playing with size and color of the text. It was my intention to share this with you, but I recently learned that the "font" tag was so simple and straightforward to use that it's being discontinued ("deprecated") and replaced by something called "CSS", or style sheets.

The W3 Schools link has a great explanation of the "style" tag and how to use it. Scroll down to "The Right Way to Do It - With Styles" and click on the links for text size and color to learn it "hands on".
For now, ignore the "html" and "body" tags. We'll discuss those in the future.

Finally, a cool thing to try is making your text the same color as the background to make something (initially) invisible, until and unless you know to highlight it with your mouse. Like This! Did you find this? Let me know...
Why would you want to do this?
To hold back some information at first glance. A common use is in movie reviews to hide the "spoilers" (things you may not want revealed to you before you see the movie). Like this: In the movie "The Sixth Sense", Bruce Willis is already dead and doesn't know it. Yup, that's why they call it a spoiler. Sorry if you were planning on seeing it and I just ruined it for ya.

Very useful and funny!
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